
Before you start with LaunchYourApp, you need to have the following installed:

For iOS development

  • A Mac running macOS
  • Xcode

For Android development

Running the Project for the first time

After you make the purchase, you will receive a key which you can use to activate the product.


Visit and enter the key and your github username to activate the product.


You will then be invited to the private repository where you can access the codebase.

Clone the repository to your local machine and chose you repo name:

git clone your-new-project-name
cd your-new-project-name

Update the project name

To update the project name, go to your package.json file and change the project’s name.


Install dependencies

npm install

or if you’re using Yarn:

yarn install

Initialize a new git repository

rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit based on LaunchYourApp template"
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Initialize Tailwind

npx tailwindcss init -p

Log in to your Expo account

eas login

Init your eas.json

eas init

Configure EAS build

eas build:configure

Build the iOS app for development

eas build --platform ios --profile development

Now you have a new Expo project with the LaunchYourApp template code and configurations!

Update env variables

To run LaunchYourApp, you will need to update the .env file with your own values.

  1. Open the .env file in your project directory.
  2. Replace the EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL and EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY with your own values, you can find a tutorial on how to setup Supabase here
  3. Replace the EXPO_PUBLIC_REVENUE_CAT_ANDROID_API_KEY and EXPO_PUBLIC_REVENUE_CAT_APPLE_API_KEY with your own values, you can find a tutorial on how to setup RevenueCat here
  4. Replace the EXPO_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN with your own value, you can find a tutorial on how to setup Sentry here
  5. Replace the EXPO_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID and EXPO_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_IOS_CLIENT_ID with your own values, you can find a tutorial on how to setup Google Authentication here